It was hot, sunny, and sweaty, but loads of fun and a great learning experience too! We had a great location next to the entrance to the winery. We learned that we need a better table, as my little one wanted to come apart easy! We also learned that Lana and I both burn easy. But it was good... we tried some new things. I tried a more stylistic SpiderMan with more tear-drop shaped webbing. Lana had a request for a Blue Spiderman which looked great! We also had some new paint to try, which can be seen in Lana's Red and Black Dragon, the Mermaid, and the Flowers and Butterfly. More pics can be seen on Ryan's site, http://www.ryanbaxterphotography.ifp3.com/. We got to make some contacts for birthday partys and another event. And to end the evening well, we have been invited back for next year! Yay!
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